A couple of fixes for the latest update. Still have a couple more fixes that needs to be done before moving onto the next update, but definitely expect some suggestions in the next update!
v1.3.3 Hotfix:
- Updated deadline for Adventure Quests from 8 hours to 12 hours
- Updated hardcore mode’s Adventure Quests to have no deadlines
- Updated next quest timers for regular quests from 15 min -> 30 mins
- Updated next quest timers for death notice from 30 min -> 60 mins
- Updated pricing for skipping quest timers (They were cheaper than intended and not matching the ratio of refilling quests between coins and diamonds)
- Fixed UI visuals for transcended Tentacle
- Fixed player being out of bounds when no location empty location is found when being knockbacked
- Fixed enemies walking over items
- Fixed traps not triggering when landing on it while moving a boulder
- Fixed camera downward panning on Chaotic Death Notice bosses
- Fixed Iridium amount not updating when leveling up wisdom
- Fixed Zombie not being able to move after a certain distance from the player
- Fixed Adaptive Eye not saving chosen dungeon upon saving adventure/quick save
- Fixed Leech softlocking skill when dying with Leech active
- Fixed Gargoyle spawning on top of player when triggering a trap on Gargoyle spawnpoint
- Fixed a way to gain access to Adventure Quests before level 10
- Fixed loot gold drop drastically getting easier to get at higher loot rarity due to calculating percentage of gold by max stat instead of range between possible stats.
- Fixed certain objectives in Adventure Quests not matching description
- Fixed Beyond the Grave summon able to give Death status when Death Notice is active
- Fixed Adventure Quests resetting before time expires for certain characters
- Fixed items blocking boulders path causing softlocks in certain situations