Previous open beta has been successful so far with no game breaking bugs, but at last, more things are still needing fine tuning and further testing for Mana class. We have also considered adding a lot of suggestions from Discord #feedback. If this update goes well, we will push this to public version. Will try to release on Test Flight soon (previous version didn’t have a test flight release due to irl stuff).
v1.2.69 Update Log:
- Added 1 new skin for Blood Knight, Necromancer, Archer, and Thief as well as 2 new skins for Ostrich class (6 new skins in total)
- Added a toggle for Showing/hiding Actions UI
- Added confirmation box for purchasing Themes
- Added sort type for stat id when equipping an equipment. (Currently hp/dmg/mana/mpdmg/crit/crit-chance. Will add the rest soon and localize the text as well)
- Added Orange item which heals 20 Hp and Restores 20 Mana. Drop rate when selected for ground is 70%. It can also be found in Crates and Common Chests.
- Updated sell cost for Hardcore to be higher than classic. 5 -> 15 coins per level. Gold equipment remains the same as classic with 20 coins per level. Loot rarity remains the same as classic with 25 per rarity tier
- Updated Pear to restore Mana instead of Hp
- Fixed a visual chest bug where items appear to look like equipment as level 0 basic
- Fixed vaulting and attacking counting as 2 turns instead of 1
- Fixed enemies that are dead to the Void still were able to take a turn
- Fixed attack spots not clearing when the enemy died to the Void