Took a bit of a break, but finally ready to pump out lots of juicy content. With this open beta test, we will be looking at fixing underlying issues with coin economy as well as making better use of suggestions in the official Discord server such as updating mana cost to base mana, adding base crit values, and quality of life requests. We are going back to staged testing before releasing publicly as long as no game breaking bug exists. Strap in, we are going to go hard for the upcoming months all the way to December. This update is rolling out to Google Play open beta, but will take time releasing to test flight iOS.
v1.2.68 Update Log
- Added Base Crit values to every character (Thief: 2.5%, Warrior: 2%, Blood Knight/Pyromancer/Archer: 1.5%, Wizard/Necromancer, Ostrich: 10%)
- Added a confirm end adventure screen when over 10,000 steps. This screen will show scores that will submit and whether you are submitting while in offline mode.
- Added version number to settings
- Updated Coins drop rate when generating chunk 100% -> 75%
- Updated drop rate of Electro-nana 5% -> 10% (drop rate does not include rate at which other items are selected so the true percentage is lower than what is shown)
- Updated Mana cost to consume based off Base Mana instead of Max Mana to allow Mana+ to be more effective in casing more spells
- Updated sell cost for equipment. Non-gold equipment: 50 -> 25 coins x tier, 15 -> 5 coins x equipment level | Gold equipment: 15 -> 20 coins x equipment level
- Updated Smoothie sprite
- Updated Range value by 1 to be more accurate with how far you can damage a target
- Updated Barrier UI to use Mana UI instead of sharing places with HP UI
- Fixed infinite Slow when using Crow’s Cry
- Fixed a glitch where you can equip a banner without purchasing it
- Fixed dungeon spawning repeating when level 10 or more. (Fix for real this time!)
- Fixed Status effects on enemies not giving various achievements and stored coins from enemies
- Fixed Rounded Shot being able to knockback bosses
- Fixed possible Special Key drop not dropping (This requires more testing as it is a very rare senario where the location it tries to drop fails because of an object in the way)