Below is a list of all new skills being added in the profession update July 1st. Keep in mind these stats can change in future updates.
Shield Bash
- Knockback an enemy dealing 10% total damage and stun if it hits an object
- Active Skill with cooldown of 20 Steps
- +15% Total Damage per skillpoint. Max: 300%
- Class compatible: Warrior
Mana Preserve
- Toggle the use of mana to save mana for a later time
- Active Skill with toggle on/off
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Wizard, Necromancer
Spell Vamp
- Drain 30% mana from the enemy when dealing physical damage
- Passive
- +5% Drain per skillpoint. Max: 100%
- Class compatible: Wizard
Armor Up
- Reduces damage taken by 10%
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior
- Immune to death status if your mana is above 90%
- Passive
- -5% mana limit per skillpoint. Max: -100%
- Class compatible: Wizard
- Gain 100% lifesteal for the 5 turns
- Active skill with cooldown of 100 steps
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
Mana Shield
- Spend 5% Mana to negate 30% of all incoming magic damage for 100 turns
- Active stackable
- +5% Negate per skillpoint. Max: 100%
- Class compatible: Wizard
- Reduce amount of mana consumed by 5% per normal attack
- Passive
- -2.5% Reduce consumption per skillpoint. Max: 40%
- Class compatible: Wizard, Necromancer
- Spend 15% Mana to cast a lightning bolt that deals 150% total Mp damage in a 3×3
- Active, target
- +10% Mp Dmg per skillpoint. Max: 500%
- Class compatible: Wizard
Lightning Pull
- Spend 5% mana to shove enemies in a 3v3 towards you and deal 30% total Mp Dmg. Stuns if targets hit an object
- Active, target
- +5% Mp Dmg per skillpoint. Max: 500%
- Class compatible: Wizard
- Negate all incoming damage and deal damage to all attackers
- Active with cooldown of 25 steps
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
The Void
- Spend 80% mana to summon a DEADLY black hole that will deal 500% Mp Dmg to enemies and destroy objects
- Active, target
- +15% Mp Dmg per skillpoint. Max: 1,000,000%
- Class compatible: Wizard
- Gain a 1% stackable damage buff for every kill and maintain by attacking
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
Double Edge Sword
- Permanently deal 50% more damage while taking 50% more damage
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
- Gain 10 steps of Haste once Hp is below 10%
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
Sword Slash
- Deal 80% total damage in an X pattern
- Active with cooldown of 30 steps
- +10% Total damage per skillpoint. Max: 300%
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
Perfect Combo
- Deal 50% more damage for every 3rd consecutive hit on an enemy
- Passive
- +10% Dmg per skillpoint. Max: 500%
- Class compatible: Warrior, Blood Knight
Beyond the Grave
- Spend 20% mana to summon a zombie ally that is buff with soul stats
- Active, target
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Necromancer
Mystic Shot
- Attack enemies through trees, fences, and low obstacle objects
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Wizard
Magic Range+
- Increase Magic Attack range by 1
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Necromancer
Dark Slash
- Attack enemies within 4 spaces with 70% total damage
- Active with cooldown of 20 steps
- +10% Dmg per skillpoint. Max: 300%
- Class compatible: Blood Knight
Instant Transcend
- Spend 30% mana to transcend into an enemy if they have less health than you
- Active, attack to trigger
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Necromancer
Soul Consume
- Absorb 20% of enemies hp in a 3×3 and convert their life force into mana. Does not work on bosses
- Active with cooldown of 100 steps
- +5% absorb per skillpoint. Max: 100%
- Class compatible: Necromancer
- Enemies that match your transcended form will ignore you unless you attack them
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Necromancer
- Increase the hp limit that activates Berserk by 2%
- Passive
- +2% hp limit to trigger Berserk. Max: 40%
- Class compatible: Warrior, Blood Knight
Soul Purpose
- Spend 50% mana to reduce soul count by 20% based off max soul count
- Active, target
- +2% Reduce soul count. Max: 30%
- Class compatible: Necromancer
Master Chef
- Get an extra stew item when using the stewpot. Stacks with +Stewpot output
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior, Necromancer
- Grants immunity to Stun and knockback if hp is above 50%
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior
- Gain a decaying barrier after every kill based off 50% of enemy’s hp
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior
- Increase Health boost upgrade rate to 15%
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior
Thick Metal
- Increases hp of all equipment by 50% when equipped
- Passive
- No upgrades
- Class compatible: Warrior
Coin Thrower
- Spend coins to deal damage based on how many you throw
- Active, attack to trigger
- +1 Dmg per coin. Max: 3
- Class compatible: Warrior, Blood Knight, Wizard, Necromancer