Here are more fixes to help remove some nasty bugs!
v1.3.18 Log:
- Added Snakevine theme
- Updated new usernames to reject certain invalid symbols causing errors such as ” \ and :
- Fixed Panic not triggering a wait turn when the direction of movement hits a wall causing panic timer to still remain visible
- Fixed Physical Evasion not also evading status inflicts
- Fixed enemies being able to be knocked back through opened chests
- Fixed that 1 scary tree in Ruins
- Fixed Zombies being able to attack inactive enemies. Zombies will not become inactive if you are too far away like how normal enemies are treated
- Fixed duplicate entries for Guide on Status Effects
- Fixed blank accounts being made when an error occurs during a save file retrieve
- Fixed Jade staff not increasing percentage of Cast Surge with Double ore
- Fixed Jade staff causing items to not be collected when Cast Surge is below max potential
- Fixed Blindness still showing Dreamers on screen
- Fixed Beholder not spawning properly spawning Dreamers up to 3 times per battle