Greetings and hope your day is going great! Without a doubt, I’ve had the best challenges and moments with OneBit Adventure in ways I never thought could ever existed. I want to continue to pursue those moments by directing all my attention to work on the next project, Dungeon of Greed. For the month of July, I was doing my best to juggle both projects alone… however, it didn’t work out as simple milestones I’ve set were harder to achieve. I have so much more to add to OneBit, but lots of mistakes in code have made those features more time-consuming and difficult to manage. With that said, I am going to be releasing 1 more update to OneBit Adventure and moving on into Dungeon of Greed. I am truly thankful for all those who have supported OneBit and have given their all to help push the game to the next level. With this in mind, I would like to share with you promo code “DOG” to receive 100 Diamonds. Thank you for all that you do and I hope you will support me on this next adventure.
What’s Dungeon of Greed
In it’s core, Greed is not a sequel, but takes place in the OneBit universe. I want to continue to make turn-based roguelikes so Greed will embrace that feature. What makes Greed more of a fun challenge is that you will have the option to play multiplayer and story will be a thing (Oh yeah!). Since the mechanic is dungeon based rather than infinite steps, you will be able to loot together or against each other in a more confined space.
ETA on Greed
It will likely be in Open Beta in November for multiplayer, but the public release will be unknown. I want to ensure that story mode is more complete so it may take longer for it to get there.