Pyromancer’s Volcanology Profession Release Notes v1.3.260

It has been a long time coming, but now the wait is no more! Pyromancer’s 2nd tier profession is rolling out to all platforms which comes with 6 new skills that focus on burn damage in combination with lava to deal the immense damage per turn. New changes for 1st tier Ignitor profession as well as adding some juicy quality of life features! A lot of changes were made during open beta, but most will be similar to the previous open beta notes.


Deal tons of damage and inflict burn upon your foes! The unique property of fire is that the damage sent will increase the amount of burn! You can also use Fireball through obstacles.

Phoenix Revive

Revive instantly after taking a fatal blow and spread lava all over while dealing damage to nearby enemies!

Molten Lance

Knockback all foes in a line allowing you to stun enemies.

Obsidian Frame

For a certain amount of turns, become a tank that is immune to stun, knockback, self damage, and gain damage reduction for incoming attacks! This is limited for a number of steps, but works well with other active skills that would normally deal self damage!

Lava Breath

Sacrifice hp to spray a cone of lava that will deal burn damage. Great for laying the foundation of burn before you Fireball them for extreme damage!

Volcanology Skill List

These are the final cost for the new skills. Keep in mind that stats may change in future updates.

Ignitor Profession Changes

New changes were made to Ignitor profession to give a leg up from before. Perfect Combo has been replaced with Fire Barrage as well as reduced cooldown steps for Fire Barrage. I have went ahead and increased Implosion damage plus adding burn to enemies.

Wicked Hours

Wicked Hours is a new feature that doubles the spawn rate of enemies, increases their damage and hp. In exchange, all enemies have a chance to drop equipment. Trigger Wicked Hours by skipping 2 campfires, but do keep in mind that the Reapers will start to spawn after 5,000 steps during these event. This will create a new way to increase your total kill count more quickly.

3 New Ascension Skills

Halloween Special Event

New special event is here! Unlock new rewards by breaking pumpkins/crates!

Moving Forward

Next major update will be focused on a new dungeon and some much needed quality of life features. I am expecting that update to release around the end of November and will work on a 5 year anniversary event as well. After that, I will be focusing on bringing Archer and Thief 2nd tier professions. Instead of hosting a contest for Pyromancer update, I will add new Pyromancer skins as monthly skins for the month of November and December. Bring your greatest Pyromancer skins to the official OneBit Adventure Discord for a chance to your skin in the game!

Update Log v1.3.260

  • Added Enigma pet
  • Added 5 new Enigma skins
  • Added banner reward for daily login 749
  • Added 3 new Ascension skills
  • Added preview option to profession screen to see skills before selecting a profession
  • Added Diving Helmet and Diving Chestplate that only drops from Leviathan
  • Added Wicked Hours event which occurs after skipping 2 campfires. This doubles the amount of normal enemies spawned and increases hp and damage of enemies by 25%. Enemies will have a 10% chance to drop equipment during Wicked Hours. Wicked Hours does not affect enemies spawned through Chaotic Death Notice.
  • Added 1 new dialogue for Morgana when you talk to her while transcended as Cthluhu. This dialogue will not appear if you have already talked to her prior to this update.
  • Added Perfect Combo to Marksman profession
  • Added Newest sorting mode for inventory and equipment screen
  • Added +/- comparison to current equipment on equipment, blacksmith, and forger screen
  • Added Empowerment to Wizard’s Young Caster profession
  • Updated certain wall tiles to be indestructible to the Void tiles near water disappearing
  • Updated Mushroom, Clam, Pearl, and sand sprites
  • Updated Bats to be flying pumpkins for the month of October
  • Updated Edit Skill UI settings to save Align Axis and Move All toggle states
  • Updated Max Hp percentage based damage to take from Max Blood Barrier values first before moving to Max Hp
  • Updated Implosion to inflict burn to nearby enemies
  • Increased Implosion starting damage from 300% -> 400%
  • Increased max scaling Burn Damage for Flame-H by 50%
  • Reduced steps that Reapers spawn to 10,000 -> 5,000 steps, but still requires you to skip 2 campfires
  • Reduced Fire Barrage cooldown timer from 75 -> 50
  • Reduced Implosion max hp sacrifice cost from 30% -> 20%
  • Replaced Perfect Combo from Ignitor profession with Fire Barrage
  • Fixed banner buy screen after tapping profile on weeks that features a banner as a reward
  • Fixed fire and arrow traps not being flagged as obstacles
  • Fixed knockback triggering when the attack misses or gets parried
  • Fixed Evil and Scary Trees appearing over AOE attack tiles when in tree form
  • Fixed certain effects having transparency when they shouldn’t
  • Fixed Mimic Chest not matching chest sprite in the Ruins
  • Fixed Necro sprite warping after resting at a campfire when the previous transcend was a tentacle
  • Fixed coin cost of 75k fast travel
  • Fixed an error that occurs when using The Void on yourself
  • Fixed Ascension text for Dark Matter showing base value instead of displaying 0 when no iridium is spent
  • Fixed Edit Skill UI not properly aligning to end result due to auto scaling of UI not on the correct anchor point
  • Fixed poison not reducing Blood Barrier when poison damage is greater than max hp
  • Fixed Mystic Shot not working on gates
  • Fixed Mana Shield not clearing after dying
  • Fixed special event button to take the place of Adventure Quest when below level 10

8 thoughts on “Pyromancer’s Volcanology Profession Release Notes v1.3.260”

  1. Epic, imo the update started off a little shaky but it ended up great! Keep up the good work dude!!

  2. Me encanta que se siga expandiendo el juego, aunque aún así me preocupan algunas cosas que no han sido “completadas” como el discord que ha “expirado” para los nuevos que no pueden entrar y gente como yo q ha perdido 2 cuentas almenos por culpa de lo material que son los celulares.. En fin Espero muchas más actualizaciones y agradezco de antemano el gran trabajo que han creado <3 por cierto espero también un multijugador si se puede claro. No esta mal soñar…

  3. Something i noticed that doesnt work as intended is that Molten Lance only deals your damage when unupgraded instead of the advertised 200%

  4. I loved this update, the effort and dedication is very noticeable, I can’t wait for when the new dungeon comes out and when they release a new class for the archer

  5. I just got Phoenix Revive and I’m not a fan of it. Given that it costs health to use most of the active abilities for the volcanology profession, I figured that this passive would restore health upon activation since it’s a revive according to this update post. I would understand that a full revive may be overpowered, but I would like to restore 25-50% health upon activation considering that this class has no way to restore health outside of items or equipment. In summary, as of this comment I don’t think Phoenix Revive is a move worth getting.

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