With the holiday season coming up, we have prepared some wonderful goodies to help spice up your holiday spirit with this update! We have also fixed Unity Ads for iOS in this update! Overall, this comes with a lot of fixes from hidden crash reports and errors that occurred under Unity’s diagnostics so hopefully this will solve almost all major issues.
Happy Holidays!
OneBit will be transforming for this upcoming holidays! Crates will transform into Presents and big trees will be decorated with ornaments and a star on top! Check out all the December exclusive items below which includes bringing snow to OneBit, a new holiday banner, and a Candy Cane avatar.
New Skins including One Secret Warrior Skin

Big thanks to those in the Discord community for bringing in these new character skins from MelancholyG, †THIRAN0S†, and hihicard!
Unity Mediation Finished
This update will fix Unity Ads for iOS and should be finalized as far as expanding ad network. Truly sorry for the delays as this process really relied on working with Unity to resolve the issue so a lot of communication back and forth. Use promo “Ads2” to get 35 in-game Diamonds!
Major Changes to Fast Travel with Rankings
Fast Travel will no longer work with Rankings. This has been a hot discussion, but its pretty clear that it is way too easy to reach the top of the boards by spending Diamonds or Coins. In this update, adventures will now deduct the Fast Travel steps upon submitting. For example: Using Fast Travel of 50,000 steps and moving 100 steps upwards will only count as 100 Steps Taken toward Rankings. Upon visiting campfires, the Steps Taken will show the deducted value so you will know what will be submitted as Steps Taken.
Necro Fixes/QOL
There were some major issues with UI that has not been reported, but has been fixed in this update. We have also added an arrow indicator that will show your position when transcended as it can be difficult to see which slime are you on the screen when moving around.
Next Update Maybe Next Year
Depending on if there are no issues (probably will need a hotfix), I want to prepare a big update beginning of next year. I know lots are eager for more things to spice the game up so in order to have the biggest impact, I’d rather add a bunch of new content at once then do it little by little. I will be posting an update log some time around halfway through December to give more details on the update. Feel free to keep dropping suggestions in Discord as I will actively go through them throughout development. Thank you and happy gaming!
v1.2.102 Update Log:
- Added X-mas holiday sprites to trees and crates
- Added X-mas Banner exclusive to December
- Added Snow Hat equipment with a Snow Day stat that will make it snow in OneBit. 25% chance to spawn when selected and can only be found in Crates up to Epic rarity and below. When a Gold Snow Hat is equipped, the snow particles will also turn gold!
- Added 1 secret Warrior skin (Hint: The code)
- Added 2 new Warrior skins
- Added 1 new Wizard skin
- Added 1 new Avatar exclusive to the month of December
- Added stat counter for Bosses Killed in profile
- Added arrow indicator while in Transcended form to let you know where you are at
- Added Diamond shop to gameplay except while in hardcore
- Updated Fast Travel to not be included to Steps Taken when submitting to Rankings. Only Steps Taken after Fast Travel will count towards Rankings.
- Updated Confetti effect to match theme colors
- Fixed Dancing with Reaper range being larger than intended
- Fixed Quick Slots not updating upon equipping/unequipping equipment
- Fixed Banana spawning in Barrels when it is supposed to only spawn when level 15 or greater
- Fixed errors when tapping the Buy Diamonds button on the top while deleting a character causing UI glitches
- Fixed null exception when the storage device is full, it will show an error on-screen
- Fixed revive from Main Menu asking for Diamonds to revive classic character when it’s supposed to be free up to level 15
- Fixed errors when trying to view rewarded ads while not connected to the ad network
- Fixed invalid errors when trying to update Google Play Games achievement, but fail due to failing to getting device token
- Fixed Sound Manager error if an audio tries to index an id that doesn’t exist
- Fixed Soul Counter not minimizing when tapping the icon
- Fixed currency not visually updating when buying a skin with hardcore currency
- Fixed tutorial crash when the player moves before selecting the movement type
- [iOS] Fixed Unity Ad network. Previous versions will need to update in order to have working ads.